by c.urdaneta | Jun 11, 2020
Screens and COVID-19 Protectors Signage ShopsOfficesPharmaciesBanks Screens, shields or space separators on counters or other office areas, shops or stores that require personal attention to customers. Antivirus protection elements that include instructions of the...
by c.urdaneta | Jan 28, 2020
Super Fresco Retail – Branding Integral process of Architecture, Brandingand Merchandising starting from the renovationof the brand and positioning of its stores,design of commercial architecture and interiors,based on a new commercial strategy Background...
by c.urdaneta | Jun 26, 2019
City Troops Trade Marketing We are a reseller of CityTroops Trade Marketing, an advanced technological App that gives our clients the most significant advantages and competitive opportunities in the management of personnel, equipment or assets and information in the...
by c.urdaneta | Feb 26, 2019
Su Casa SupermarketTrade Marketing How to promote Trade Marketingfrom your store or supermarketwith a successful Commercial Strategy? Background Supermarket leader in the Valera region, State of Trujillo, Venezuela, which in view of the increase in competition,...
by c.urdaneta | Feb 20, 2019
Fondo de Valores InmobiliariosExtebandes Editorial We transform Annual Reportsinto successful Editorial Marketing publications Background Annual Reports are usually reports addressed to the management and interested parties from the companies. Extebandes and Fondo de...